ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Raktim Singh - July 7, 2023 0 1. These are the branches of Artificial Intelligence Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning & Reinforcement Learning Natural Language Processing Neural Network Multi-tenancy Only a,b & c None 2. In Supervised learning Labelled data is given to machine and based on that m/c identifies the patterns Machine ties to find our pattern within a data set, on it’s own. Machine learns from a training data set and then applies that learning to a new data set None of these None 3. GPT (Generative Pre-Trained Transformer ) is based on Language model Data model Heuristic None 4. Which among the following requires less memory? Depth First Search Linear Search Breadth-First Search Optimal Search None 5. The component of an expert system is _____? Inference Engine User Interface Knowledge Base All of the above None 6. An AI perceives and acts upon the environment using ____?. Actuators Perceivers Sensors Both 1&3 None 7. A hybrid Bayesian Network consists of ____? Discrete variables only Discontinuous variable Continuous Variable only Both 1&3 None 8. What is artificial intelligence? Playing a game Identifying the patterns from data, learning & Making a machine intelligent Programming with your own intelligence Putting your intelligence in a computer None 9. Which languages are used by AI developers? Python, Java, C++, Julia Python, SQL Fortran, SQL Casandara PIG and HIVE None 10. A computer vision technique that relies on image templates is? Edge Detection Binocular Vision Model-Based Vision Robot Vision None 11. The first-order logic statement contains Predicate and Subject Predicate and Preposition NOTA Both 1&2 None 12. What is the main task of an AI agent? Input and Output Perceiving, thinking, and acting Moment and Humanly actions NOTA None 13. The inference engine works on____? Backward chaining Forward chaining Both 1&2 NOTA None 14. Which statement is true Deep learning is a part of Machine Learning Machine learning is different from Artificial Intelligence. Un-supervised learning is part of Deep Learning. None 15. Virtual assistant like Siri, Alexa etc. utilizes NLP ( Natural language Processing) Un-supervised Learning Nano technology None 16. Computer Vision helps in Facial recognition Image Classification Object Detection Making your data tamper proof Only a,b &c None 17. Hawkeye & Computer Vision helps in DRS system in cricket It is used in sports like Tennis and football It helps in handling big volume of data Only a & b None 18. These are the branches of Artificial Intelligence Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning & Reinforcement Learning Natural Language Processing Neural Network Multi-tenancy Only a,b & d Only a,b & c None 1 out of 2 Remember to press 'Submit' button. Quiz result will be shown after that. Time's up Spread the Love!