What are AR (Augmented reality) and VR (Virtual Reality?)
In current modern technology, the terms VR (Virtual reality) and AR (Augmented reality) are used a lot.
There’s a certain trend among teenagers regarding the VR headset and AR apps such as L’Oréal Makeup app, IKEA mobile app, etc.
As a technology, it seems similar, but there’s a difference between them in terms of concept, characteristics that differentiate from each other.
What are AR and VR
Augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) technologies allow for immersive experiences that offer users the ability to interact with virtual objects as if they were real.
This provides for an entirely new way of presenting information and entertainment.
AR and VR are computer-generated simulations that allow for alternate realities to be created and interacted with using technology.
Augmented and virtual reality are both technologies that are not entirely new to the world.
The two technologies are similar in many ways, but there are some differences.
Virtual reality integrates computer-generated images into a physical environment and is typically used to simulate the user to interact in an artificial world.
AR overlays computer-generated images onto a person’s current environment, taking advantage of the functionality of the devices that most people carry with them on a daily basis.
So Now we go in More details about what are AR and VR?
Virtual Reality
The VRs can be distinguished into two types, text-based network VR (“Cyberspace”) and immersive VR.
The view on the screen changes as we move our heads. Generally, VRs are best used for training purposes.
A person using a VR is actually able to look around in the artificial world and interact with the different features present in the Virtual world.
This effect of VR is generally created using a headset with a mounted display in front of the eyes.
This can also be created by using special rooms with multiple large screens.
Below are some areas, VR can bring changes
- Mental Health
Using VR in mental training has changed the method of treating post-traumatic stress.
The person can enter the traumatic event to change the incidents which had occurred and help in healing the person.
Similarly, it has also been useful in the treatment of phobias, depression, and anxiety.
For instance, some patients with anxiety find it easy to meditate with the aid of VR by managing their stress and relieve them.
- Military
It plays a crucial role in military training. It becomes important for the militants to get proper training without risking their lives on the battlefield. VR makes it possible to give real battlefield training and creating an artificial battleground where the soldiers get an on-field virtual experience.
- Education
The use of VR doesn’t limit to the military and medical fields; it is also used in schools for giving children a three-dimensional environment where they can interact. It’s more costly and time-Consuming to take students on a field trip. The same experience can be enjoyed with the help of VR. Studies show that virtual reality is beneficial for students facing autism.
- Sports
Nowadays, VR is also used in sports for training purposes. It helps train the athletes more efficiently with the option of repeating a certain situation.
For example, a cricketer is not good at square cut while Playing; then the player can practice it multiple times using the technology and enhance the ability and attain perfection. It has also helped viewers by getting an experience of watching a live game. The viewers are able to watch live games at their ease and at cost-effective rates giving them a real experience.
Augmented Reality
Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment where the objects that reside in the real world are enhanced by computer-generated perceptual information, sometimes across multiple sensory modalities, including visual, auditory, haptic, somatosensory, and olfactory. (As per Wikipedia)
It basically changes live view with digital elements with the help of a smartphone camera. Example of Augmented reality is snap chat and Pokémon Go game.
Below is a list of professions where augmented reality is used.
- Retail Selling
In current changing times, shoppers are also getting techie.
They have started using their smartphones to compare prices or to get additional information about a product.
World-famous brand Harley Davidson made a new trend by the development of an augmented reality app that can be used in the shop by shoppers.
The app helps the user to view their selected bike in different variations of colors and customize it.
When talking about the entertainment industry, it’s important to have a good connection between your audience and the character. Movies like Harry Potter have fared well using this method. In fact, the makers of Pokémon Go are planning to introduce a Harry Potter-themed game.
3.Field Work
AR has also changed the way of repairing the equipment. Earlier the technician uses to take the equipment with them and bring it after repairing. Now it has changed, the technician will come with AR glasses that will help in identifying the issue and quickly fix it without reference to the manual.
4.Design & Modelling
Whether it is the building of a skyscraper or interior design, AR has helped professionals in knowing their final outcome during the building process. Using the headset, the engineer and designers get a direct entry into the virtual building, where they can make changes. The technology is so advanced that a city can be easily designed with the help of AR. AR is a must for a profession that involves any modeling or designing.
- Tourism
If you are visiting a new city (either for business purposes or as a tourist), AR can help, you know about various area/buildings. If enabled, you can just scan your smartphone & the AR app, which can tell you details about the building (when it was built, by whom, historical significance…).
Lastly, to Summarise, we can say that.
Augmented and virtual reality are technologies that are not only fun but useful.
Augmented reality adds the component of the environment to the real world through a viewer like a phone or a headset, and Virtual reality takes the physical world completely out of the equation.
I hope you got a better understanding of What AR and VR and how, with the use of these technologies, Human life, their behaviors and habits are changing.