The year 2020 makes cloud one of the strongest players in technology. Cloud computing isn’t just robust, but it’s more critical than ever for our use.
When the pandemic hit, the world massively shifted to using SaaS and cloud-based services. The decision to shift overnight was to connect with people, especially by companies.
Although the importance of adopting cloud was done way before by some companies, the competition has only increased in recent years.
Cloud Computing Jargons
Cloud-first, cloud-native, cloud-ready, and many more other jargons are often used to describe cloud computing. In simpler terms, the cloud works as a fantastic storage centre that’s easily accessible can provide you unlimited hardware, without paying anything upfront. Adopting cloud gets you access to enterprise-class technology, making it possible for many businesses to scale faster than their established competitors. Cloud isn’t just crucial for the IT department; it also affects other parts of the organisation such as Payroll, HR, Customer Relations, Finance, and Creatives. Take Amazon, for instance. Their cloud platforms have been an excellent resource for frameworks, principles, style design and practices.
Here are the 4 mega benefits of Cloud Computing
1. Flexibility in terms of converting CAPEX to OPEX
Contrary to the IT infrastructure, running the cloud is quite reasonable. For the hardware, you need not pay upfront. While running and maintaining your server, you may have to come across unexpected expenses with the system and hardware management. However, with a cloud service provider, every need for your work is fulfilled at an agreed cost with no upfront investment required. Moreover, the cloud provider is in charge of the maintenance while getting everything you need at a reasonable price in real-time.
In case of need (quarter-end, sales and promotion day), you can get more hardware copies, where you can run your application, cloud helps with proper utilisation of the copies. When you work with a cloud-based model, the cloud provider’s server infrastructure is shared between your workload and the computing needs of other clients. So, depending on your workload, the cloud ensures the complete utilisation of hardware sources.
2. Backup, Security and Disaster Recovery…Peace of mind
Unexpected damage is a significant problem for many IT houses. You can’t rely on single hardware to keep things running. There must be backup that’s there in case of any damage from the system crash
or failure.
Buying new hardware will only cause more financial loss along with the destruction of data and work that’s lost. Even if you don’t use hardware, they still require regular maintenance. Which also results in unnecessary money spending. To avoid such detrimental investments, move to the cloud for inexpensive maintenance and data recovery. A cloud service provider relies on several data centres and ensures backup by replicating your data.
Whenever there’s a disaster such as fire, system crash or flood, you won’t experience any problem as the system will bring up another CLOUD copy/node & operations will run automatically
in time.
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3. Different Models Tailored to your needs so that you can focus on your primary Job
When you are shifting to the cloud, there are three prominent models to choose from. These are IAAS, PAAS, and SAAS. They are simply the three ways which you can use for your business. The IaaS is a cloud-based, pay-as-you-go for services for networking, storage and virtualisation.
The PaaS is a hardware and software tool available over the internet and is currently the most used in all three. At the same time, Saas is software that’s available via a third-party over the internet. All these three models are different, and based on your needs, and you can pick the suitable one.
For IaaS, user pay-as-you-go instead of purchasing the hardware outright. The Iaas infrastructure is scalable depending on the storage and processing requirements. Iaas is the best pick for enterprises who want to cut the cost of buying and maintaining their hardware. Since the data is uploaded on the cloud, IaaS does not carry any chance of failure. It has virtualisation for administrative tasks, resulting in time for other work.
PaaS is the best platform with tools to test, develop and host applications in the same environment. It allows businesses to focus on development without having to stress over the underlying infrastructure.
PaaS providers take care of the security, operating system, backups and server software. It also allows collaborative work when the workforce is running remotely. And lastly, SaaS provides users with software and applications through a subscription plan. With SaaS, users don’t have to manage, install or upgrade the software. It does so on its own. The data stays secure in the cloud, and no hardware failure results in any loss of data.
You can offload all this work by choosing the correct model ( IAAS, PAAS, SAAS..) to the third party. Now you and your team can concentrate on the main work.
4. Efficient, Agile and Going Global
Organisations adapted to the cloud are way ahead of their competitors with outdated architecture, hardware and systems. The pandemic intensified the gap between companies with cloud computing against others who have yet to make the shift. For companies with cloud computing, the outbreak didn’t create much business interruption instead of other companies who lost contracts and
experienced massive loss from their business shut down.
Apart from adapting well to serious global shutdowns, the cloud also helps businesses go international in no time. It allows easy deployment of applications in several different regions of the work in just a few clocks, within reduced latency and better customer experience at a lower cost. And if your vendor tells you that its application is CLOUD ready, ask him, whether it adheres to the 12 Factor App methodology.
The Twelve-Factor App methodology is a methodology for building software as a service application. The 12 factors help programmers write modern apps in a declarative way, using clear contracts deployed via the cloud.
These were the four significant reasons why every company needs to shift to the cloud immediately if it still hasn’t already. Organisations with cloud as their leading platforms can now focus on different work like coming up with creative solutions and experience less time in dealing with their data and server access.
Hope you got some insights regarding the advantage of Cloud Computing.
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