An insider secrets of How Digital Transformation (DT) helps in bringing a personalized experience in Four Key Areas…
All different areas which need attention and effort are transformed digitally.
Around 15% of the world population or around 1 billion persons need special help.
Even before COVID, you were not able to see these persons on-road as many of them are confined to their homes.
Digital Transformation can help people to live a normal life.
The special need can be in terms of term mobility, speech, or hearing impairment.
- How Digital Transformation Enhances the Lives of Special Needs?
It is estimated that about 36 million people in the world are visually impaired, while 216 million live with moderate to severe visual impairments.
The World Health Organization calculates that about 80% of vision impairment can be avoidable if treated early.
If people have better access to treatment, then the count for blindness or low vision among the global population can be diminished.
Technology has been playing a prominent role in breaking down those barriers and via, Artificial Intelligence, these problems have been improving significantly.
Mobile is helping our visually impaired finds by using voice on mobile to get answers for many things.
For instance, Microsoft’s Seeing AI, an app that’s designed to help people with low vision or blindness.
The app enhances the surrounding around the user with rich audio descriptions.
It can read a handwritten note or scan a barcode and let the user know about the product.
If you point the camera at something, the app will describe the people it can see and where they are in the image- center, top left, and so on.
On similar lines, the mobile app can help friends, who can’t speak. You type on mobile and it will announce to the crowd in a loud way, in any language.
Now can also have eyeglasses/specs for friends, who can’t hear.
They can wear these glasses and that glass can interpret the lip signs of other persons and put those lines on his glasses or show in one app on his mobile, which he can read.
We have access to chips installed on all wheelchairs and that data can be collected to find out, which places, buildings are wheelchair friendly.
This can be made available in the public domain.
This may help/incentivize various commercial building owner to make their building, compliant with those needs.
- Digital Transformation to Improve Healthcare
DT enhances care for the elder population advice for the young population.
Today, for many of us, we don’t have any medical/gene records of our great grandfathers.
Now think of scenarios in the future, where medical data for your full family history is maintained.
Based on that, from a young age itself, personalized advice can be given to young family members.
Also, as of today, also, personalized care can be provided to the elder population.
Personalized care is the priority for many healthcare providers and due to DT, it is possible to offer to patients.
Through wearable technology, people no longer have to check in with their doctor every few weeks or months, rather the device lets them know something goes wrong.
Doctors are now focusing on prevention and maintenance, without complicating the patient’s health.
Hospitals have been proactively investing in wearable technology devices that offer up-to-date monitoring of high-risk patients to figure out the possibility of any major health risk.
The most common device includes heart rate sensors, exercise trackers, oximeters, swear meters, and many more.
The use of AI has proven many benefits to the healthcare department, through chatbots and Japanese nurse robots.
The biggest influence of AI can be felt in the areas like precision, medicine, drug discovery, medical imaging, and genomics.
Earlier, cancer patients met with cookie-cutter treatment options with high failure rates.
But with AI’s pattern recognition, now patients have access to personalized therapies that are tailored to their genetic makeup and lifestyle.
In oncology, the AI-powered computer programs analyze thousands of pathology images of different cancers to provide highly accurate diagnosis and predict the best suited anti-cancer drug combination.
In the area of medical imaging diagnostics, AI helps radiologists find details that are not visible to the human eye.
- The Need for Digital Transformation in Education
Many of us don’t know our strengths and areas of improvement. Our education teaches as if one size fits all.
Can we provide personalized education, based on areas of strength/liking of a student? Yes, we sure can.
Access to personalized learning approaches has been the biggest reason for the digital transformation in education.
Rather than trying every student to fit into one single box, schools and programs have started to value offering an adaptable solution for students based on their strengths and weaknesses.
Personalized learning has provided students with a plethora of benefits and understanding their skillsets.
When students get to learn in a way that’s tailored to their own learning approach, it helps them to understand, absorb and retain critical information.
Personalized education actually helps them build interest in studying and strive forward in pursuing education.
Students value their time while studying and feel encouraged enough to earn degrees and pursue job opportunities in their interesting subjects.
When students partake in studying a particular subject, they also become keen on pursuing it even more.
Schools that have made personalized education accessible manage to improve kids’ retention rate.
This in return, increases the school’s reputation and improves its ability to prepare students for their next big step in education or job training.
In many counties, including India, we have a very peculiar situation. We have many Engineering graduates, but they are jobless.
Irony is that companies are also short of human talents.
They want to hire but many of these Engineering graduates are ‘not having relevant & necessary skills to do the job, as per the requirement.
This is true for almost all other industries. We have ‘fully educated’ young members but they lack the skills to do a job.
- Digital Transformation affects the Environment
DT also impacts farming efficiency. No ‘one size fits all’ solution to all farmers in a state.
Based on the condition of the soil, weather, and the water of your own agricultural land, advice is provided to use a type of seed, pesticide, urea, etc.
The IoT sensors are used to track down the soil moisture, soil carbon, micronutrient levels, change in the microclimate of a field, and the rate of plant growth throughout harvest cycles.
Apart from the soil and harvest state, the device can be used to control and monitor production processes such as irrigation to specific areas in a field at the right time, given the grown and characteristics of the field’s crops. These devices are used almost everywhere in modern farming.
Drones and robotics can also optimize farming operations and reduce labor work.
Insights from ‘Storage of experience’: In the present world, when a person retires from a job/profession, all his experience goes along with him.
This is true for all sectors, especially the service sector.
So once a doctor or driver or bank person retires, all his experience is not stored anywhere.
Think of a scenario, where all data & experience of a person is stored for decades.
New things can be created in the future by gaining insights from this historical data.
In the year 2040, one scientist can investigate the medical, virus, hospital, patient data of 2020 and create new things.
Many more things, like this, are possible.
Let’s create a beautiful future for our coming generation, by adopting Digital Transformation in our work.