Metaverse in the Education sector
The metaverse creates a computer-generated reality parallel to the physical world with help of AR/VR/MR, wearables…and many other things.
Here people can interact with the digital environment/equipment/objects as well as other users.
Metaverse consists of 2 words. Meta & Verse. “Meta” means “beyond,” and “verse” stands for the “universe.”
In metaverse, the physical and digitally simulated worlds overlap & provide us a very engaging experience, while sitting at our home.
Virtual interactions become similar or even identical to our experiences in the physical/real world.
People get virtual identities with avatars and can interact with other persons in their respective avatars.
The metaverse doesn’t refer to any specific type of technology. It’s a combination of them.
One of the main features of the metaverse is an ‘enhanced, engaging experience’.
And this is a very beneficial feature for our education sector.
The metaverse will allow full immersion into a ‘simulated classroom environment’. Here students can interact with the learning content as well as with other students/faculty members…
We can create very dynamic, impactful, engaging, highly interactive, and often emotionally realistic content.
Now let’s understand the salient points of the Metaverse in education
- More collaborative & immersive experience: Due to the pandemic, many schools have shifted to online education. But we still need to harness the power of this.
To start with teachers can prepare online lectures, which students can watch in their free time.
During regular hours, a class in metaverse can be organized. In this class, all the students along with the teacher join. This can be a doubt resolution session.
Based on the progress of each student on ‘earlier prepared online lecture’, the teacher can come to know, not only what a student has learned but how he has learned.
That way, they can help those individual students with more refreshed courses around the difficult topics.
Also, in the current online system, teachers can’t look at each student’s face.
Many times, a puzzled look on a student’s face, helps in knowing that students have not properly understood the concept.
Also, in a real class, many times, students first look at each other and ask doubt/questions.
It’s a normal human tendency. Everyone thinks that their doubt/question is very silly & remains silent/keeps quiet.
But in the metaverse, teachers can look at students, students can look at each other and ask doubts/questions. A total immersive & engaging experience.
- Skill development with the latest equipment: As of now, many schools face the challenge of buying new machines/equipment for training.
Also, in case, they are able to buy one, students are advised to treat that machine/equipment carefully lest it breaks down.
In metaverse, ‘Digital Twin’ of those latest machines can be created. Students can learn on these ‘ simulated machines’.
They can open the machine, play with it. Remember as this is a simulated machine, it can be created again with almost no extra cost.
On Similar lines, these ‘Digital Twins’ in metaverse can be shared with schools, which are in rural areas/don’t have a budget.
Many schools can come together, own those machines/equipment on metaverse & share among their students.
It will also be very useful for medical students. An artificial human body can be created, on which medical students can perform surgeries & other operations and learn.
- Learning History, astronomy, geography: In the metaverse, museum-like ‘Louvre Museum’ or ‘Hermitage Museum’ can be re-created.
- Students can visit those museums ( by sitting at their home) and learn about our ancient culture. Or they can take a walk near ‘Eiffel Tower’, visit ‘Antarctica’, ‘North Pole’…. Travel in time to experience the life of ancient civilizations, see & participate in historical events, examine thousand-year fossils or just visit the galaxy, including Moon & Mars.
- Soft Skills: As of now, we all understand the importance of soft Skills but both learning & teaching that is very tough. In our ancient times, pupils used to go to ‘Gurukul’ and stay there together.
This used to help in the holistic development of a student.
Now this can be handled in various ways – (Metaverse in Education )
- We can create a ‘real society’ like environment in the metaverse. Students can travel in that. It’s a ‘Simulated Real world’. Students on their own (along with other team members) can visit them. Based on their behavior in this world, like..whether they are ready to help a person who may be into an accident in the metaverse, how they are behaving with various society members, are they working with each other …we can learn about them & teach the importance of soft skills accordingly.
- Like this, many other experiences can be created. Be it decorating a room with exotic pieces or wandering in a new country.
We can gauge the various skills of the team members. Are they team players, are they able to work in ambiguous situations, students who lead & take proactive steps, students who just want to remain aloof.
- Students can join conferences, which are attended by students from various countries. It will give them good exposure & help them in building their confidence.
- Gamification: As per studies, we know that students enjoy & learn more when anything is taught through gamification. Metaverse can be the perfect platform for that.
- Various concepts related to physics (gravity, velocity…), chemistry (various chemicals. Creation of cloud.) & Many other concepts can be easily explained & taught in this gamified metaverse world.
Also, this gamification experience is totally personalized. As per the strength, the learning ability of a student, he can participate in the game accordingly. No more stress of studies ..no more bullying or stigma of lagging behind. It can really make learning a ‘joyful experience’. Should we call this edutainment?
- Accessibility: Metaverse opens the door for everyone. Be it an elder person or person with special needs. Anyone can join metaverse & explore this beautiful world, travel to mountains, various other counties & learn. All these educations (and experiences) can be provided at their own home.
Also, it can fill the gaps between rich & poor, urban & rural. Everyone can share & get access the latest machines/technology/….& good exposure to all the important things. This will help in the holistic development of a student.
Conclusion: Metaverse in Education
We need to look with fresh eyes at our education. A lot more can be done & metaverse has the potential to help us achieve this.
Be it accelerated learning, better curriculum, ability to learn about latest happening or exploring the ancient world, a richer personalized learning experience for students or edutainment.
We also need to keep an eye on security, privacy, overall regulation & governance.
We are still some time away from this metaverse world. We surely need better bandwidth & speed (5G/6G), better wearables & enough check & balance in making sure that, one should not get addicted to this.
As of now, we are able to understand the concept, this may be the right time to design the beneficial use-cases for metaverse & put proper governance.
We need to utilize the positive benefits of the metaverse and fill the gaps of the current education system.
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