Raktim Singh
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Business Videos
About Me
Business Videos
About Me
Business Videos
Digital Transformation Expert
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My Books
How Technology Can Transform Society
How Technology is Reshaping the Circular Economy
Industry Cloud Platforms
Sustainable Tools in Banking
Importance of Privacy Enhancing Technologies
Intelligent composable business in the finance industry
What is Neuro-symbolic AI
Importance of Smart Spaces
Self-Supervised Learning: Key for Artificial Intelligence
Vision Transformer in Computer Vision
What is on-demand pay?
What is a Digital Mortgage and how it benefits
Self-Supervised Learning: Revolutionary way for AI models to learn
Scalable Vector Data: How it is powering Internet
Why Assets Tokenization will bring next disruption
What is Open Banking
DeFi: Changing the face of Lending Sector
ONDC: How unbundling of value will reshape digital commerce
Importance of REGTECH
Why Wealth Management is required for everyone
Democratized AI
Quantum Computing in Finance
Agile and Adaptive Banking
What is Federated Enterprise Technology Buying
What is augmented connected workforce
Multimodal User Interface: Next revolution in the consumer experience
LEO Satellite Mega Constellation: New way to connect the world
Technology for Circular Economy
Digital Inclusion for Social Good
Power of Programmable Money
Why DORA is important for banks
Panoptic personalization in banking
Digital trust in Banking
Machine Customers: The future of Internet
Digital Transformation in Banking
Impact of artificial intelligence in banking sector
What is ESG in Banking
Impact of Technology on Sports
Technology in Insurance Industry
Impact of Technology in Marketing
Digital Immune System
What is Synthetic Biology?
Federated Learning : How machine learns
What is Affective Computing?
Internet of Behaviours
What is Tensorflow
Technology in Manufacturing
Technology in Entertainment
Technology in Agriculture
Use of Technology in Healthcare
Use of Technology in Education
What is Hyperloop
What is Hyper Automation
What is Green Hydrogen
Will AI take away our jobs?
What is ChatGPT
What is Artificial Intelligence.
What is Generative AI
What is Edge Computing
What is Deep Learning
What is Natural Language Processing
What is Machine Learning
What is Robotics
What is Low Code No Code
What is Genomics
What is Nanotechnology
What is 3D Printed House
What is Artificial Intelligence with examples
What is OCEN
What is Blockchain technology with examples
What is ONDC with examples
How Technology can help us in creating a better society
What is Quantum Computing
What is Brain-Computer Interface with examples
Metaverse in Education : How Metaverse will Transform the Education sector
Metaverse Real World Examples : Why Metaverse is Next Goldmine ?
What is Technological Singularity and What Will Happen After The Technological Singularity?
Explained : Metaverse in Banking Industry – How does it Work ?
Are You Ready for the Metaverse? Explained with Real Life Metaverse Examples
What is WEB3.0 by Raktim Singh
What is an Automation Engineer? What does an Automation Engineer Do ?
What is the Metaverse ? Metaverse Explained
What is Automation testing And What are Automation Testing tools ?
What is Control System Engineering? All about Control Engineering
What is Non Fungible Token and What is NFT mean ?
What is ESG – Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance ?
What is XaaS? Complete Overview of Everything as a Service
What is Decentralized Finance – DeFi
What is CBDC – Central Bank Digital Currency ?
What Is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?
What is Multi Cloud Environment and What are its Benefit ?
Digital Transformation in Retail: A Must-Have
What is Digital Factory Concept? How do you make a digital factory?
What is Industry 4.0 and what are its Driving Forces?
What is Digital Manufacturing and What are the Advantages of using it?
What is Industrial Automation & Types of Industrial Automations?
What is Smart Manufacturing and Why does Industries need it now?
What is GPT-3 ? Learn How GPT 3 works in Easy Way – Data Science
Fintech Disruption: Digital Impact in Finance
What is Micro-Service? All About What are Micro Services
Digital Technology Shaping Agriculture
What is Soft Skills? Concept and Importance of Soft Skills
How Digital Transformation in Education Industry is changing the Education System?
Smart Buildings Technology – Digital Transformation and Innovation in Smart Buildings
What is 5G ? How will it Change Our World ?
What is Anthropology with Examples ? Anthropology Demystified
What is Learning Organisation? Is Your Company Ready for the Future?
What is Computer Vision in AI and Machine Learning? Technology Upgrade
What is Digital Twin ? Best Digital Twin Cases Studies that You Must Know.
What is a Circular Economy and How does the Circular Economy Work?
What is Digital Therapeutics? Beginner’s Guide
What is Blockchain Technology and How Does it Work?
What is AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality?)
What is cryptocurrency? Beginners Guide for Digital Currency
What is Machine learning with Examples and Why it is Important ?
What is Digital Wallet and How it Works? A Beginner’s Guide
What is Big Data Analytics and Why is it so Essential?
Why Cyber Security is Important for Business in Current Times ?
What does Digital Transformation for Business Actually Means ?
Are you confused between Agility & CI-CD?
What is Big Data and Why it is so Important?
How does Digital Transformation Improves the Four Main Industry ?
Advantage of Cloud Computing
The Amazing Little Perks and Challenges of Internet of Things (IOT)
What is Digital Anthropology and How to do it ?
What are the Important Pillars of Agile ?
Un-learning & Learning in Digital world
Open Banking (OB) – WHAT, HOW, WHY NOW?
Re-imagined Wealth Management System (WMS)