Conversion with Sai
M: Technology can help in
- Better policy decisions
- Helping small & medium business owners
- Tackling corruption in the system
Sai: Technology is only for rich people. Not sure, whether you really understand the problem of a nation.
We need to arrive at policies & actions, which can help all the sections of a society.
We also need to take into account that different people will have different needs. Our country has people from many religions, cultures, and belief systems.
So, we can’t apply, one size fits all solutions
Me: I think, I understand. Diversity & different set of belief systems are all the more reason that we use technology for all our decision making & take the help of technology, before rolling out any policy or action.
S: Correct me, If I am wrong, but today’s technological advancements are just related to data.
M: ?
S:: I mean, it’s all about collecting data, processing that data & giving an output (which is also a data).
M: Yes, you are more or less right. But collecting ALL the data, doing correct processing on all that data & presenting that data is the USP here.
M: Earlier many a times, we used to take decisions based on a ‘sample’ set of data.
After implementation, once that action/policy was rolled out to a bigger & wider audience, we used to face problems. And after that tweaking, adjustments used to get done.
Now, we can collect data for all the members of a society and take relevant steps.
S: Give me an example?
M: Government devices various benefit programs. Earlier, those were defined by listening to only selected set of people. Now, based on the geography, age, gender, literacy rate….different set of benefit programs can be rolled out.
S: Ok, so it can help in better government policies & action. What about small businessmen?
M: With Initiatives like ONDC ( Open Network for Digital Commerce), small businessmen can sell online. If their product is good, it can be sold across the country.
S: Though I agree that ONDC can provide a platform but as a buyer, how will I know, which product is good or from where to buy, unless it’s a branded product.
M: Based on earlier transactions, a seller can get rating from the previous buyer. They can also provide written feedback. That will help a new buyer to take better decisions.
Also, may be, we can show data to a buyer like
- People from his town have purchased from seller ABC.
- Top Seller in this category is say XYZ.
- In the last 10 days, people have bought from Seller ABC .
S: Um.. Small nudges.
M: Yes, for unbranded products, buyers normally consider these things
- If, I buy from this seller, will I indeed get the delivery within the expected time & with quality.
- Whether someone else is buying or not.
- Can I refund the goods in case of any issue?
If all that data can be displayed transparently, buyers will be more favorable to purchase from that seller.
S: Ok, so how can corruption be tackled in the government system?
M: In some countries, through lottery-based system, various government departments are selected. After that, their audited data is shown, displayed on the TV, and internet.
Many a times, transparency brings accountability.
S: May be, departments or cities, which are doing good, can also present the case of good practices they have adopted, that has resulted in overall good outcome.
M: Agree. We all know that Data is new Oil. But we need to arrive at various use-cases & application, by which we can harness the power of data in a way that can make a difference in society in a positive way.