What is GPT-3 and How it Works?
GPT is the hottest buzzword in the field of artificial intelligence, or more specifically in natural language processing (NLP).
GPT is Generative Pre-trained Transformer & it is used to generate human-like text. It’s is a language model based on deep learning.
GPT-3 is a computer program, the successor to GPT created by OpenAI.(How GPT-3 Works)
OpenAI is an artificial intelligence research institute founded in 2015 by Elon Musk & others.
OpenAI is an independent research organization consisting of the for-profit corporation OpenAI LP and its parent organization, the non-profit OpenAI Inc.
What is Generative Pre-Training Transformer 3
GPT-3 is a neural network machine learning model trained using internet data to generate any type of text.
As input, it takes, small amount of text/picture/video & generates large volumes of relevant & sophisticated text/pictures/videos.
It can perform various tasks Like
- Translate text from one language to another
- Create new song
- Create new picture
- Create new text/story
- Generate new software code (Yes, it can generate python, java…code).
Background Check:
The first GPT came to the market in 2018. It has/had 117 million parameters, and the parameters were weighed between the complexity of the connection and nodes of the network.
Released in 2019, the GPT2 contains 1.5 billion parameters. However, GPT3 has 175 billion parameters.
GPT3 is the third edition of GPT (Generative PreTrain Transformer) and was recently released via OpenAI.
GPT In Simple Language :
- The Autoregressive language model uses Deep Learning to compose Human-Like text.
- An autoregressive process is a process whose current value is based on the previous value.
- It is a kind of auto-complete program that predicts what comes next.
How does it (GPT-3) work:
GPT3 model has more than 175 billion (input) learning parameters. It works on a language model.
The method of constructing the same language setting as a sentence uses semantic analysis not only to study words and their meanings but also to understand how word usage differs.
It also depends on the other words used in the body.
We, humans, have learned many things, over a period. So, for example, if we tell a student to talk about say ‘CAR’.
He may tell that
CAR is a 4-wheeler.
CAR is an automobile.
CAR helps us to move from one place to another place.
CAR is a status symbol.
All the words, which are underlined in the above 4 sentences are, normally associated with a car.
Same way GPT-3 also works.(How Does GPT-3 Work)
GPT-3 model has been trained with billions of input parameters. So, it has also identified patterns & associated various words/objects with each other.
Based on input, it has studied the usage of a word or sentence.
Now, when we tell GPT-3 to write something about CAR, it will also ‘generate’, text, based on ‘training data’. So, it will also generate text, as given above.
In a similar way, it can generate new songs if a lot of songs were provided to model as input.
The same applies to the ‘generation’ of new picture/painting… or for that matter, it can generate a new fiction novel.
So, we need to note 2 key points related to GPT-3
- Based on input training data (which can be an English word, song, picture, …), it has done the association of various inputs. Now, once asked, it can generate a new sentence, book passages, songs, pictures. These new sentences, songs, pictures will look as it has been written/created by a human.
- GPT-3 model is trained with more than 175 billion input parameters. As, it has been in the picture below, the training of the model happens over different layers. After each layer, the model becomes more intelligent/accurate
There can be any number of layers between input & output. So, the advantage of GPT-3 is that one can get a pre-trained model.
Now in that model, one can remove some layers & insert/train the next set of layers, with its own input & algorithm.
So, you can get a model, which is already trained to recognize, say various types of furniture (for example table & chair).
Now, if you are introducing a new object say, a sofa than, you need not start training from scratch.
There must be (training) layers, which are able to recognize the contours of an object & then learn further.
You can take that model & now train it quickly to recognize Sofa (as it was already trained to recognize tables, chairs etc, you can save your effort here).
Challenges with GPT-3:
- At the time of writing of this article, one needs to get a commercial license to use GPT-3 & it is quite expensive.
- It is still a sort of closed or black box system. It’s very difficult to get a complete insight into the behavior of the OpenAI algorithm.
Also, note that GPT-3 model should be used for making new text/picture…& here output will be based on prediction & training set.
One should not use GPT-3 to get an answer to a query. For that, you can always do a search on Google.
As the name suggests, GPT-3 model should be used to get an output, which is generated by going through/transforming various training input parameters.
Benefits of Generative Pre-Training Transformer 3
Generative pre-training has the potential to drastically reduce the number of labeled examples required to train a deep neural network.
Generative pre-training is a set of techniques that trains a model to predict the labels of a random subset of the input data that are not labelled.
This technique allows the neural network to learn and develop higher quality features, which were earlier possible only on a high number/quantity of labeled data.
It is very useful because now we can train a model, with a minimal set of training data & get an output (text, story…) which is like a human-created output.
Conclusion: What is GPT-3
GPT-3, (third generation Generative Pre-trained Transformer), is a neural network model, trained using more than 175 billion input/training parameters.(How Does GPT3 Work)
It is developed by OpenAI.
It requires a small amount of input text/data & generates large volumes of useful output (which can be text, story, picture, song…).
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